Doctoral Mom Inspiration Awards

What is it? Doctoral Mom supports women helping women. Not only are women incredibly powerful and strong, but our members on their doctoral journey are even more amazing! In the spirit of celebrating moms, we are asking our members to share their stories and nominate other Doctoral Mom members who have been instrumental in their journey.
How does it work?
Members can nominate themselves or another member for one of three award categories:
Doctoral Mom of the Year Award
This award recognizes an active Doctoral Mom member who embodies our values and beliefs on her doctoral journey. She is a triple threat: a mom, doctoral student/recent graduate, and community member. She demonstrates dedication, ambition, compassion, and intelligence.
Community Champion Award
This award recognizes an active Doctor Mom member who is a cheerleader and motivator in our community. She supports other women with heart and understanding, and she is an optimistic force of encouragement and inspiration for others.
Be Bold Award
This award recognizes an active Doctoral Mom member who has demonstrated resilience and tenacity on her doctoral journey. She has persevered and overcome obstacles to pursue and achieve her goals.
Applications will be reviewed by the Doctoral Mom team and one (1) winner will be selected per category
Eligibility Requirements
Active Doctoral Mom member
Currently enrolled doctoral student or a recent graduate within the past 6 months
Revealing the Winners
The winners and their nominators will be emailed after the selection
We’ll collect social media info & a recent photo
The team will create a photo collage & individual sharable photos of the winners to be used in social campaigns
The group will then be announced:
Internal community post & celebration
On social media
An award announcement will be shared on the blog
As part of the campaign, other members will be encouraged to reshare with their own stories of a) doctoral success, b) community support, c) overcoming obstacles
For more information, please email us at